( Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
Lime ( citrusaurantifolia) including one of type citrus Geruk. Lime is including clump plant type which many having bough and stick. Its(the tree trunk having wood ductile and firm. Medium of surface of its(the epidermis depth of colour and matt. Lime crop at the age of 2 1/2 years has started bears fruit. Its(the interest is white having colour little fairish and its(the fruit is globular equal to ping-pony ball is having colour ( epidermis) yellowish or green. Orange nipis which have been old the taste is acid. Orange crop generally likes places which can obtain direct sunshine. 1. Condition Grows a. Climate · Place height : 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual rainfall : 1000 mm - 1500 mm/tahun · Month of wet ( above 100 mm/bulan): 5 month - 12 months · Month of drought ( below(under 60 mm/bulan): 0 month - 6 month · Air temperature : 200 C - 300 C · Humidity : medium - height · Irradiating : medium b. Soil;land;ground · Type : latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture : clay sandy loam and ductile clay · Drainage : good · Soil;land;ground depth of water : 40 cm - 170 cm from soil;land;ground surface · Root depth : below(under 40 cm from soil;land;ground surface · Acidity ( hydrogen ion exponent) : 4 - 9 · Fertility : medium - height 2. Guidance Plants a. Pegolahan Tanah · Makes planting hole berukuran50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm. · Upper soil;land;ground locked out of soil;land;ground below(under his(its, then is given manure. · Undercarriage soil;land;ground is reentered, then is caught up top soil;land;ground. b.
Preparation of Seed · Lime can be multiplied in marcot and grafting. c. Cultivation · Seed planted at planting hole which has been provided. · Plant spacing 6 m x 6 m

Local Name :
Lime ( English), Five ( Spanyol), Limah ( Arab); Lime ( Indonesia), Orange pecel ( Java); Acid lemon ( Sunda);

Curable Disease :
Tonsil, Malaria, Ambeien, Sesak Nafas, Influenza, Coughs; Temperature pain, Constipation, Late menstruation, perfect stomach when menstruation; Dysentery, Stomachache Stomach, Nausea Stomach, Fatigue, Body odour, Face wrinkle;

Exploiting :

1. Tonsil
Material : 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 turmeric rhizomes equal to thumb grated and 2 honey tablespoon;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken the water, turmeric grated and extorted to be taken its(the water, then dioplos with honey by added [by] 1/2 water glasses, swirled until flattening, and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 2 day once regularly.

2. Malaria
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 ketchup tablespoon, salt sufficiently;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material and filtered;
Way of using: drinked every morning nearing breakfast.

3. Ambeien
Material: 2 - 4 lime root cut;
Way of making: braised with 1 1/2 water litres until boiling so remains 1 litre, then is filtered;
Way of using : drinked every regular weara evening.

4. Out of breath
Material: 1 orange nipis, 2 shallot fang, 1 item kampong chicken's egg, 1 coffee powder teaspoon, 1 lump sugar cut,
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, shallot is grated then is mixed with other material and poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently, swirled until flattening, then is filtered;
Way of using: drinked after breakfast regularly.

5. Influenza
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/2 euca lyptus oil scoops, lime putty sufficiently;
Way of making: lime is grilled a moment and extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with its(the material and swirled until flattening, and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day regularly.

6. Coughs
a. Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 ketchup spoons, salt sufficiently;
Way of making: lime diperis to be taken its(the water,
Way of using: drinked regularly 1 times one day during pain

b. Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/4 nutmeg seed flour spoons, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material until flattening;
Way of using: used as powder and dabbed at chest and back.

7. Hot pain
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/2 coconut oil scoops, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop, 2-4 shallot fangs refined;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material until flattening,
Way of using: used as compress and liniment for chest and back.

8. Colic
Material: 1 orange nipis, 2 - 4 shallot fang, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop, fruit of acid sufficiently, 2 ripe water spoon;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material and refined together;
Way of using: dabbed in all body, especially around stomach.

9. Late menstruation
Material : 1 orange nipis, 2 turmeric rhizome equal to thumb, lime putty and salt sufficiently;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, turmeric grated and extorted to be taken its(the water, then all the material is mingled to flattens and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day.

10. Perfect stomach when menstruation of menstruation
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 ginger rhizomes equal to thumb, 3
eye fruit of acid which have been cooking, 1 coconut sugar cut;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken its(the water, ginger is grated, then all the material mingled and given [by] 3/4 ripe water glasses and filtered;
Way of using: drinked at first day of menstruation.

11. Dysentery
Material: 2 lime root cut;
Way of making: braised with 2 1/2 water glasses until boiling, then is filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day.

12. Perfect stomach
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 turmeric rhizome equal to thumb;
Way of making: lime is extorted [by]

Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Lime contains compound elements kiniia which bemianfaat. For example: limonen, linalin acetate, geranyl acetate, fellandren and citral. Despitefully lime contains asani citrate. 100 orange grams nipis contains: - ascorbic acid 27 milligrams, - calcium 40 milligrams, - phosphorus 22 milligrams, - charcoal hydrate 12,4 grams, - vitamin B 1 0,04 milligrams, - ferrum 0,6 milligrams, - fat 0,1 grams, - calorie 37 grams, - protein 0,8 grams and - water 86 grams. Lime contains chemistry compound elements for example limonen, linalin acetate, geranyl acetate, fellandren, citral and cittrate.

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