( Zea mays L.)
Synonym :
Familia :
Poaceae ( Gramineae).
Description :
Crop, straightening, height more or less 1,5 metre. Round bar, massif, doesn't branch, yellow colour or jingga. Unique leaf, having frond, length integer, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, long 35-100 cm, wide 3-12 cm, green colour. Compound interest, stam inate flower and female form of seed, in tip of bar and in leaf axil, white colour. Fruit of is in the form of cob, long 8-20 cm, chartreuse colour.
Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA MAIDIS STIGMATA; Corn Hair. Maidis Amylum; Corn starch.
Synonym :
Familia :
Poaceae ( Gramineae).
Description :
Crop, straightening, height more or less 1,5 metre. Round bar, massif, doesn't branch, yellow colour or jingga. Unique leaf, having frond, length integer, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, long 35-100 cm, wide 3-12 cm, green colour. Compound interest, stam inate flower and female form of seed, in tip of bar and in leaf axil, white colour. Fruit of is in the form of cob, long 8-20 cm, chartreuse colour.
Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA MAIDIS STIGMATA; Corn Hair. Maidis Amylum; Corn starch.
Curable Disease :
Typically Rather beloved. Special Quality Antilitik, diuretic, and hipotensif. RESEARCH Sukensri Hardianto, 1989. Faculty of pharmacy, UGM. Counsellor: Dr. Ediati S., Apt. and DR. Sasmito. has done research of young cob infusion influence to calcium calculus solubility in in vitro. From result of the research, simply: 1. Existence of influence between infusion rates and potassium rate vang s(he is in condensation. 2. Adanva influence between infusion rates and rate Y{alsium vang dissolved in condensation. 3. Calcium calculus has biggest solubility in young cob infusion with rate 5%. At higher level infusion rate of its(the solubility experiencing degradation
Exploiting :
Hair shaped and young cob
Hair shaped or young cob:
1. Gallstone.
2. Calculus.
3. Dropsical at chafing kidney.
4. Stomach oedema.
5. Hepatitis.
6. Diabetes.
7. Chafes gall bladder. 8. Cirrhosis.
9. High blood pressure.
5 Young corn
Fresh catkin Herb 5 gram
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: repeated during 14 days.
Ingredient: 4 Young corn
Corn Hair 1 grasps
Despicable Leaf of Beling fresh 8 sheet
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 14 days. After exit stone, either in the form of gravel, prilled and also curative effervescence is stopped, then is continued by drinking Jamu Kumis Kucing and Meniran which as described at presentation of Catkin.
High blood pressure :
Young corn 5-7 cobs
Corn Hair 1 grasps
Water 110 ml Cara making:
Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day. Usage of hair Jagung so that neglectless because blood pressure can go down swiftly.
Composition :
Hair : Saponin, tannic matter, flavone, essential oils, fixed oil, alantoin, and bitter matter. Interest : Stigmasterol.
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