( Achyranthes aspera Linn.)
Synonym :
Centrostachys aspera, Standl. Cyathula geniculata, Lour. Desmochaeta repens, Llanos.
Familia :
Description :
Sodium 1 or annual 2, straightening, height reachs 1 m. Quadrangular bar, green colour or is rather pink, branchs many, Unique leaf, sits looking out, handle, green colour, inverse egg globularity until length ellipse. Leaf length 1,5 - 10 cm, both surfaces of general leaf. Blunt leaf tip or fades, leaf jetty narrows, plane periphery or rather surging, fin vena. Interest grows in tip of beside ramification is in the form of bunch ( like paddy handle), hard integer seed and sharply.
Local Name :
Jarongan, jarong lalaki, leaf sangketan, nyarang ( jawa).; Sui indium sui, sangko nose ( Sulawesi), ; Rai rai, dodinga ( My shame).; Dao kou cao ( China).;
Synonym :
Centrostachys aspera, Standl. Cyathula geniculata, Lour. Desmochaeta repens, Llanos.
Familia :
Description :
Sodium 1 or annual 2, straightening, height reachs 1 m. Quadrangular bar, green colour or is rather pink, branchs many, Unique leaf, sits looking out, handle, green colour, inverse egg globularity until length ellipse. Leaf length 1,5 - 10 cm, both surfaces of general leaf. Blunt leaf tip or fades, leaf jetty narrows, plane periphery or rather surging, fin vena. Interest grows in tip of beside ramification is in the form of bunch ( like paddy handle), hard integer seed and sharply.
Local Name :
Jarongan, jarong lalaki, leaf sangketan, nyarang ( jawa).; Sui indium sui, sangko nose ( Sulawesi), ; Rai rai, dodinga ( My shame).; Dao kou cao ( China).;
Curable Disease :
Fever, Temperature, Malaria, Enteritis, Tonsil ( Tonsilis), Chafes lung; Gondongan, Reumatik, Infection of Kidney, Pain in bone menstruates,; Blood puking, Blood urine, Copy easy to, Stone Urine;
Exploiting :
Root, all crop.
1. Fever, anas, malaria, enteritis.
2. Chafes tonsil ( tonsilitis), chafes lung ( pneumonia), gondongan.
3. Chafes joint ( rheumatic arthritis).
4. Ureter stone, bloated at infection of kidney.
5. Pain in bone menstruates ( dysmenorrhea), waters down copy ( induction of labor).
6. Blood puking, blood urine ( hematuria).
9 - 15 dry grams or 30 - 60 fresh grams, braises, drinks.
Pulverized; patchs to ill place or braised, its(the water to clean. Used for hurt drug, bite ular/ insect, abscess ( carbuncle).
1. Gondongan:
Braises sufficiently root jarong, drinks, its(the root pulverized to be glued to ill place.
2. Stone urine:
All plant 18 - 30 grams ( fresh) or 12 to 24 grams ( drought), braises, drinks before eating, one day once.
3. Big abscess in armpit ( Carbuncle):
60 fresh crop grams ( entirely) added water and pageant sufficiently, team, drinks. Its(the dregs is pulverized, patchs to ill place.
ATTENTION: Pregnant woman is prohibited to uses this drug crop.
Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: rather Bitter taste, cold. Launchs blood ( blood stimulant), peluruh menstruation, strengthens liver and kidney, strengthens muscle, blood-vessel and bone, anti inflammation, anti toxin, peluruh urine, normal menstruated, hemostatic, waters down copy. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Akirantin, glokosa, galactose, reilosa, rhamnose, alkaloid. Seed: Hentriakontan, sapogenin. Root: Betain, ecdysterone, triterpenoid saponins.
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