( Cajanus cajan [ Linn.] Millsp.)
Synonym :
= Cajanus cajan. ( Linn.), Huth. = Cindicus. Spreng.
Familia :
Papilionaccae ( Leguminosae)
Description :
Gude or bean gude in Java conducting as field crop or applied as green manure. This detectable plant from lowland to 2000 m. Its(the growth requires many sunlights and doesn't hold up to condition of humid. Grows as straightening clump, height 1 - 2 m. Bar is having wood, integer, grooved, furry, cacao green. Leaf gathers three, short handle. Ovoid lamina until ellipse, spread over, tip and sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, fin bone, its(the colour green. Compound inflorescence, exit from leaf axil, form of bunch, garland 1530 cm, crown form of butterfly, yellows. Pod, length 4 - 10 cm, furry, pipih, green. Small seed, integer. Seed coat colour can be be white ashes, yellows, black or brown. Edible young legum. Stripper legum grilled or homogenized [by] tempe. Young leaf can be eaten is raw as lalab, braised or steamed. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Bean hiris ( Sunda), bean bali, ritik lias ( Sumatra). ; Bean gude, gude, wood bean ( Java), kance ( Bugis). ; Bean bali, ritik lias ( Sumatra). bean kaju ( Madura).; Kekace, undis ( Bali). lebui, legui, iris bean, bean turis; Puwe jai ( Halmahera), fou hate ( Ternate, Tidore).; Shu tuo ( China), kagios, kalios, kadios, gablas ( Tagalog),; Straucherbse ( Germany), pigeon pea ( English).;
Synonym :
= Cajanus cajan. ( Linn.), Huth. = Cindicus. Spreng.
Familia :
Papilionaccae ( Leguminosae)
Description :
Gude or bean gude in Java conducting as field crop or applied as green manure. This detectable plant from lowland to 2000 m. Its(the growth requires many sunlights and doesn't hold up to condition of humid. Grows as straightening clump, height 1 - 2 m. Bar is having wood, integer, grooved, furry, cacao green. Leaf gathers three, short handle. Ovoid lamina until ellipse, spread over, tip and sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, fin bone, its(the colour green. Compound inflorescence, exit from leaf axil, form of bunch, garland 1530 cm, crown form of butterfly, yellows. Pod, length 4 - 10 cm, furry, pipih, green. Small seed, integer. Seed coat colour can be be white ashes, yellows, black or brown. Edible young legum. Stripper legum grilled or homogenized [by] tempe. Young leaf can be eaten is raw as lalab, braised or steamed. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Bean hiris ( Sunda), bean bali, ritik lias ( Sumatra). ; Bean gude, gude, wood bean ( Java), kance ( Bugis). ; Bean bali, ritik lias ( Sumatra). bean kaju ( Madura).; Kekace, undis ( Bali). lebui, legui, iris bean, bean turis; Puwe jai ( Halmahera), fou hate ( Ternate, Tidore).; Shu tuo ( China), kagios, kalios, kadios, gablas ( Tagalog),; Straucherbse ( Germany), pigeon pea ( English).;
Curable Disease :
Yellows pain ( jaundice), sprue, coughs, diarrhoea, gangguam stomach, ; Wormy, coughs expectorating, hurt, contusion.;
Exploiting :
PART APPLIED : Leaf, root, and seed.
Leaf is having special quality to overcome:
yellows pain ( jaundice),
ill in mouth,
coughs, and diarrhoea, stomach trouble.
Root is having special quality to overcome:
coughs, and hurt.
Seed is having special quality to overcome:
Fresh leaf counted 1 - 2 grasps braised, then is drinked.
For external usage, fresh leaf milled to be smooth, then applied to close disparity of like mange, herpes zooster, pruritis, and skin rash.
1. Mange :
Fresh gude leaf counted 5 g is washed out then is boxed smooth. Adds 1/4 lime putty teaspoons, scrambled flattens, then dabbed at its(the scabies.
2. Herpes zooster :
Prepares fresh gude leaf sufficiently, washs out and milled to be smooth. Balurkan at herpes bubbles then is covered with lint. Changed 3 - 4 times one day.
3. Coughs, diarrhoea, and stomach trouble :
Takes fresh gude leaf counted 2 grasps, cleans and braises with 3 water glass until remaining as of its(the pari pasu. After chilling filtered, drinks 3 times one day, each 1/2 glasses.
4. Ill in mouth :
Takes young gude leaf sufficiently, washs out and munchs. Lets a few moments, its(the dregs has just thrown.
5. Yellows pain:
Takes fresh gude leaf sufficiently, cleans and smooth grind.
Its(the juice water is accomodated until collected 1/2 cups.
Adds salt as of tip of teaspoon. Swirled, then is drinked.
Does 2 times one day, until recovering.
6. Contusion :
Took seed gude sufficiently then grind until smooth.
Adds a few water sampal to become like mush. dabs at part of bruise body.
Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Leaf gude contains flavonoida, saponin, and polifenol. While bar is containing flavonoida, saponin, and tannin.
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