( Coleus scutellarioides, Linn,Benth)
Synonym :
Coleus atropurpureus, Benth. C. blumei, Benth. C. ingratus, Benth. C. laciniatus, Benth. C. hybridus, Hort. Plectranthus scutellariodes, ( Linn.), Benth.
Familia :
Description :
Morphology Iler: Bar : Vertical herb tree trunk and creeps with its(the tree trunk height shifts 30 cm to 150 cm, has bar receiver is in the form of is in the form of parallelogram and is including katagori wet plant which its(the breakable bar. Leaf : Be in the form of liver and in each its(the ridge decorated by thin ellipses or dints which extension and supported by leaf handle and has colour that is multifarious. Interest : Be in the form of interest circuity compiles, its(the interest emerges at bar stem sprout. Condition Grows: Iler can thrive in lowland area until height of 1500 metre above sea level. Iler can be gotten around [by] rural river or rice field causeway and road(street edges as wild plant.
Local Name :
Iler ( Indonesia), Potato ( Java), Jawer Kotok ( Sunda);
Synonym :
Coleus atropurpureus, Benth. C. blumei, Benth. C. ingratus, Benth. C. laciniatus, Benth. C. hybridus, Hort. Plectranthus scutellariodes, ( Linn.), Benth.
Familia :
Description :
Morphology Iler: Bar : Vertical herb tree trunk and creeps with its(the tree trunk height shifts 30 cm to 150 cm, has bar receiver is in the form of is in the form of parallelogram and is including katagori wet plant which its(the breakable bar. Leaf : Be in the form of liver and in each its(the ridge decorated by thin ellipses or dints which extension and supported by leaf handle and has colour that is multifarious. Interest : Be in the form of interest circuity compiles, its(the interest emerges at bar stem sprout. Condition Grows: Iler can thrive in lowland area until height of 1500 metre above sea level. Iler can be gotten around [by] rural river or rice field causeway and road(street edges as wild plant.
Local Name :
Iler ( Indonesia), Potato ( Java), Jawer Kotok ( Sunda);
Curable Disease :
Ambeien, Diabetes melitus, Fever, Diarrhoea ( Stomachache); Overdue menstruation, Abscess;
Exploiting :
1. Ambeien
Material: 17 leaf sheets iler, 7 leaf sheet ngokilo, 3 turmeric corm rhizome ( 3 cm)
Way of making: all material is braised with 5 water glass until boiling.
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day 1 glass
2. Diabetes mellitus
Material: Plant iler complete ( Bar, leaf, interest), fennel pulawaras sufficiently.
Way of making: All material is braised with 1 water litre until boiling.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day 1/2 glasses, morning and evening.
3. Fever and colic
Material: 1 leaf cut and bar iler
Way of making: material is braised with 3 water glass until boiling so remains 2 glass
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day 1/2 glasses.
4. Stomachache
Material: 3 root cut iler
Way of making: material is braised with 2 water glass until boiling so remains 1 glass.
Way of using: drinked morning and evening.
5. Late of menstruation
Material: Leaf iler sufficiently
Way of making: Material is braised with 2 water glass until boiling so remains 1 glass
Way of using: drinked nearing date of month of menstruation.
6. Abscess
Material: Leaf Iler sufficiently, Palm oil
Way of making: leaf iler is nubed with cream [by] palm oil, then is grilled.
Way of using: in a state of warmnesss glued at part of ulcerating part.
Composition :
Iler has composition of useful chemistry compound content of inter alia : - alkaloid - salicylate ethyl - eugenol methyl - thymol - carvacrol - mineral
is flavonoid present in this plant's extract
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