( Ricinus communis Linn.)
Synonym :
R. inermis et lividus, Jacq. R. speciosus, Burm. R. viridis, Willd. Croton spinosa, Linn.
Familia :
Description :
Grows wild in forest, wasteland, coast wise, or planted as plantation commodity. Can grow in areal which less fertile so long as its(the soil;land;ground hydrogen ion exponent 6 - 7 and its(the water drainage is good, because distance root doesn't hold up to water pond. distance is straightening clump growing at height between 0 - 800 m above sea level, height 2 - 3 m, easy to be pilulated with bulk which stripper has. jarak is plant one year ( anual) with smooth round bar, hollow, my book explains with sign ex- free leaf handle, green colour is having tint red of tengguli. Unique leaf, grows having interlude, circular leaf similar with diameter 10 - 40 cm, bercangap finger 7 - 9, sharp-pointed leaf tip, pronged edge, foliage colour on the surface of to surface stripper green under young green ( There is rose colored variety). Length leaf handle, rose colored of tengguli, bony leaf of finger. Compound interest, rust colored of orange, having sex one. Its(the fruit is circular gathered in bunch, in the form of fruit of kendaga, with 3 room, every space contains one seeds. Its(the fruit having soft thorns, having colour young green with red hair.
Local Name :
jarak, jarak jitun, kaliki ( Sunda), jarak ( jawa), Kaleke ( Madura),; Gloah, lulang, tray, distance, kalikih beam, jarag ( Sumatra),; Malasai, kalalei, alale, tangang jara, peleng kaliki discourages ( Sulawesi); Distance ( Bali), luluk ( Bread), nail penuai ( Timor), Balacai ( Ternate), ; Balacai tamekot ( Halmahera), tetanga ( Bima), luluk ( Bread),; Bi ma ( China).;
Synonym :
R. inermis et lividus, Jacq. R. speciosus, Burm. R. viridis, Willd. Croton spinosa, Linn.
Familia :
Description :
Grows wild in forest, wasteland, coast wise, or planted as plantation commodity. Can grow in areal which less fertile so long as its(the soil;land;ground hydrogen ion exponent 6 - 7 and its(the water drainage is good, because distance root doesn't hold up to water pond. distance is straightening clump growing at height between 0 - 800 m above sea level, height 2 - 3 m, easy to be pilulated with bulk which stripper has. jarak is plant one year ( anual) with smooth round bar, hollow, my book explains with sign ex- free leaf handle, green colour is having tint red of tengguli. Unique leaf, grows having interlude, circular leaf similar with diameter 10 - 40 cm, bercangap finger 7 - 9, sharp-pointed leaf tip, pronged edge, foliage colour on the surface of to surface stripper green under young green ( There is rose colored variety). Length leaf handle, rose colored of tengguli, bony leaf of finger. Compound interest, rust colored of orange, having sex one. Its(the fruit is circular gathered in bunch, in the form of fruit of kendaga, with 3 room, every space contains one seeds. Its(the fruit having soft thorns, having colour young green with red hair.
Local Name :
jarak, jarak jitun, kaliki ( Sunda), jarak ( jawa), Kaleke ( Madura),; Gloah, lulang, tray, distance, kalikih beam, jarag ( Sumatra),; Malasai, kalalei, alale, tangang jara, peleng kaliki discourages ( Sulawesi); Distance ( Bali), luluk ( Bread), nail penuai ( Timor), Balacai ( Ternate), ; Balacai tamekot ( Halmahera), tetanga ( Bima), luluk ( Bread),; Bi ma ( China).;
Curable Disease :
Womb cancer, Kank. skin, Difficult to defecate, Difficult. Bears, ; Tuberculosis, Abscess, Scabies, Scabies, Infeksi mushroom, Pimple, face muscle paralysis; Itchy, Coughs, Hernia, Swelling, Reumatik, Tetanus, Bronkhitis;
Exploiting :
PART USED: Seed, root, leaf and oil from its(the seed.
Seed: Defecation difficulty ( Constipation), gracious canker and
skin ( Carsinoma of cervix and skin), visceroptosis/ gastroptosis,
difficulty bears and retention placenta/ari-ari ( difficult labor and
retention of placenta), paralysis of face muscle ( facial nerve paralysis),
gland tuberculosis, abscess, scabies, scabies and infection of mushroom. Also is used
at swelling ( oedema).
Leaf: Scabies, eczema, itchy ( pruritus), coughs congested, hernia.
root: Rheumatic of joint, tetanus, epilepsi, bronchitis at children,
hurt beaten, gland tuberculosis, split personality ( soul trouble).
Oil : Constipasi, scabies, singe.
Seed :
1. Scabies:
20 seeds thrown its(the skin, pulverized to become is in the form of mush, added a few salts and swirled to be plane. Patchs in place of pain one day 2x.
2. uterine Prolapse and rectum:
Pulverizes jarak seed and used or glued at point of Pai hui which located in head.
3. Difficulty bears and retention of placenta:
Pulverizes Jarak Seed and pastes up ketitik acupuncture Yungchuan ( VIII/1 = K-1) which located in foot/feet palm midst.
4. Paralysis of face muscle:
Pulverizes Jarak seed, pastes up at joint mandibular and mouth curvature, 1 x day, during 10 days.
5. Cancer cervix:
Balm or cream contains 3-50/o ricin & 3% dimethyl sulfoxide, dabbed at cancer cervix 1 x / day, 5 - 6x / week for 1 - 2 month. Done together with irradiating extracorporal.
Side effects:
stomach pain in bone, itchy at privy parts cave, itchy of all body, eczema, biduran ( Urticaria), raucous, pembengkakan larynx, itchy at red lane, exfoliation of palm and foot/feet, trembles, fever, is losing with symptomatic drugs.
External usage: Braised, its(the water to clean or pulverized, patchs.
Leaf steamed to be matured, wrapped ill place.
Leaf + a few salts is pulverized, pastes up midpoint [by] foot/feet palm.
Fresh leaf is soaked [by] hot water until weakening, pastes up to place of pain.
Children 4 ml, drinks morning at the time zero stomach. Menstrual medium and pregnant woman is prohibited to drinks ( Causes light kongesti at flank organ).
Root: 15 - 30 gr, braises or team, drinks.
External usage:
Pulverized, patchs.
Rheumatic of articulation, epilepsi ( Catalepsy):
15 - 30 gr root is braised, drinks.
- Stiff, hurt beaten:
9 - 12 gr drought root, braises.
Headache, puking defecates, temperature, leucocytosis,
image of white corpuscle shifts kekiri, produce of urine is desisted, cool sweat, spastics, prostration, dies. Death can happened by swallowing 20 distance seeds at adult and 2 - 7 seed at children.
Eliminates its(the poison is done by the way of heating 100 ' C or more during 20 minutes or braised [by] during 2 hour(clock. But anticancer special quality loses with warm-up.
Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: Seed : Beloved taste, hot, neutral. very Poisonous fresh seed, is losing by the way of braised [by] during 2 hour(clock or with warm-up of 100'C during 20 minutes. Anti chafes, laxative ( purgative actions), correction prolaps, anti-neoplastic ( anti-kanker), eliminates poison ( eliminates toxin). Root: Haves the character of tranquilizer, anti-rheumatic. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Seed : Oil ricinic 4050 % with content glyceride from ricinoleic acid, isoricinoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, and stearic acid. Also contains ricinine, small number of cytochrome C, Lipase and some enzym. Beside ricin D, by the way of high rise purification got acidic ricin and basic ricin. Leaf: Kaemferol-3-rutinoside, nicotiflorin, isoquercitrin, routine, kaempferol, quercetin, astragalin, reynoutrin, ricinine, vitC 275 magnesiums %. Oil: Ricinoleic acid 80%, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, dihydroxystearic acid, triricinolein 68,2%, diricinolein 28%, monoricinolein 2,9%, nonricinolein 0,9%. Root: Methyltrans-2-decene-4,6,8-triynoate, 1-tridecene-3,5,7,9,11-pentyne, Beta-sitosterol.
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