( Taraxacum officinale weber et Wiggers)

Synonym :
T. mongolicum Hand-Mazz., T. officinale Wigg., T. ceratophyllum DC, T. corniculatum DC, T. dens-lionis Desf., T. sinense DC, Leontodon taraxacum L., L. taraxacum.

Familia :
compositae ( asteraceae).

Description :
Generally, jombang grows wild in mountainside, bank, pasturage, and roadside in area having atmosphere cold. Sodium chronical, height 10 - 25 cm, all part of plant contains dilution, milky. Leaf gathers forming root rosette, part of lodging jetty closes soil;land;ground. Unique leaf, be in the form of Iancet, inverse, sharp-pointed back part, jetty narrows looks like leaf handle, not regular jagged edge, sometime shares deeply, length 6 - 15 cm, wide 2 - 3,5 cm, having colour green is arranged in layers [by] white having colour smooth hair. Unique interest, length handle arranged in layers by white having colour smooth hair, having sex two. Rust colored corolla, diameter 2,5 - 3,5 cm. Its(the fruit is in the form of tube, having colour white. Its(the root length, unique, or branchs. Edible young leaf as fresh vegetable or made salad having special quality tonic. Stripper leaf can be steamed or cooked as vegetable. Its(the interest applicable to give yellow colour at beverage or cloth. Jombang can be multiplied with seed.

Local Name :
LOCAL NAME Jombang, taraksakum ( Java). NAME OF Gong pu STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS ying ( C), dandelion ( I). NAME OF SIMPLISIA TARAXACI HERBA ( herb jombang).

Curable Disease :
Jombang the taste is beloved, be rather bitter, in character cool. This herb liver meridian admission ( liver) and stomach, and having special quality tonic at liver and blood. Besides, also having special quality antibiotic, anti inflamatory; eliminates swelling, breaks cork, ( strong diuretic), cleans temperature and poison, and increases product bile. Root is rather bitter, having special quality antitoksik, ( diuretic), temperature palliative ( antipiretik), stomach lasing, increases appetite ( stomakik), launchs expenditure of bile to intestine ( cholagogue), launchs expenditure AS1 ( laktagoga), light laxative, and reduces blood sugar rate ( hipoglikemik). Root is more having special qualityly if it is applied after plant age 2 year. Special quality antitoksik root jombang assists mechanism of liver job(activity and gall bladder to release rest of metabolism and stimulates kidney to release poison through water kemih. Besides, jombang stands in process of dismissal of poison formed at infection and pollution. Polysaccharide content from plant jombang can pursue development of man lung cancer cell who transplantation at mouse and pursues development sarcoma. Herb jombang is having special quality pursues development of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, and Neisseria catarrhalis. Herb alcohol extract jombang is having special quality launchs expenditure of bile to intestine ( cholagogue) at mouse. Protects damage liver ( liver) mouse given carcinogenic matter of CCl4.
Decoction water jombang applicable to increase body endurance by the way of activating Macrophage, stimulates lymphocyte forming, and antibody forming. Leaf jombang is having special quality is diuretic strongness. But, doesn't cause lacking of potassium because this plant contains enough potassiums ( Journal Planta Medica, 1974). Root jombang is having special quality cleans liver, stimulates produce of dilution of bile, and light laxative ( researcher German, 1959).

Exploiting :

Part of plant applied is fresh herb and root and also which has been dried.

Herb jombang applied for therapy :
chafes, like bronchitis, chafes red-eyed
( konjungtivitis), chafes intestine infection acute ( appendicitis acute), chafes
flank, chafes liver ( hepatitis), chafes gall bladder ( cholecystitis),

and chafes and bosom abscess,
infection and ureter stone,
gondongan ( parotitis),
diarrhoea, dysentery,
pain maag ( gastritis), not appetite,
diabetes ( diabetes mellitus),
high blood pressure ( hypertension),
less blood ( anaemia),
bloated foot/feet because dilution hoard,
white ( leukore),
produce of mother milk water ( ASI) a few,
abscess, scabies, ulcer which in, snakebite,
magnification of prostate,
increases uric acid dismissal,
black pock in the face ( freckles),
tumor at digestive system ( oesophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas),
cancer ( bosom, lung, neck rahim/serviks, and gum), and
leukemia granulositik kronik.

Root applied for therapy :
hepatitis, yellows pain ( jaundice),
infection of gall bladder, prevents incidence [of] gallstone,
multiplies ASI,
defecation is not fluent ( constipation),
skin disease, like pimple, eczema, psoriasis, osteoarthritis and gout.

For drug drinked, braises or box 15-30 g fresh herb, then extorted. Hereinafter, drinks its(the juice water or recipe mixture applicable to. Special to cure cancer, tumor, or weight disease, applies herb 20 - 60 g. Other way, braises 10 - 30 g root, then its(the decoction water is drinked. In some states, root is dried ago is milled until smooth. Takes 1 - 2 teaspoon, then poured boiling water into with
temperature water. If it is required, adds juice water of lime to improve;repair taste.
For external usage, fresh herb grind or root until smooth, then bubuhkan to ill place, like bloated bosom, abscess, and singe. Besides, its(the leaf is also can be braised, then applied its(the water to take a bath or evaporates face.
This way aim to refresh body and looks after face skin from flek and pimple.


Chafes and bosom abscess
Cleans 60 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass.
After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time, does 2 times one day, until recovering. For external usage, cleans fresh plant sufficiently, then milled until smooth.
dubs at ill bosom.

Chafes gall bladder
Cleans 30 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters, drinks at the same time. Does 2 times one day, until recovering.

Braises 20-60 g fresh jombang herb in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked at the same time.
Does every day.

White of infection effect, cervix cancer, or chafes flank
Provides 30 g herb jombang fresh ( for cancer clan chafes flank 60 g), then cleaned until cleanness. Hereinafter, cuts to pieces and braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked at the same time, one day 2 times, each 1/2 glasses.
Besides braised, herb also can be boxed until smooth.
Hereinafter, filters and its(the filter water is drinked, one day 2 times, each 1/2 glasses.

Chafes gall bladder is accompanied [by] hepatitis
Cleans 30-60 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining as of its(the pari pasu. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water divided for 3 times drinks, one day 3 times, each 1/2 glasses.

Diabetes, high blood pressure
Cleans 30 g herb jombang fresh, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 clean water glass until its(the decoction water remains 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked, one day 2 times, each semi glass.

Composition :
Herb contains taraxasterol, taraxacerin, taraxarol, kholine, inulin, pectin, koumestrol, and asparagin. Root contains taraxol, taraxerol, taraxicin, taraxasterol, b-amyrin, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol, choline, levulin, pectin, inulin, calcium, potassium, glucose, and fructose. Leaf contains lutein, violaxanthin, plastoquinone, tannin, carotenoid, potassium, sodium, calcium, choline, copper, ferrum, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, and vitamin ( A, BI, B2, C and D). Interest contains arnidiol and flavoxanthin. Pollen contains ß- sitoserol, 5a-stigmast-7-en-3ß-ol, folic acid, and vitamin C.

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