( Baeckea Frutescens Levator scapula.)
Synonym :
Baeckea chinensis Gaertn. Baeckea cochinchinensis Bl.
Familia :
Description :
This Plant is in the form of clump until bush, height until 5 m, ductile branchs. Leaf looks out on, very narrowing lamina like line and having gland, thick 0,8 mm and length 5 mm to 16 mm. Interest is having fold 5 exit from leaf axil, small, diameter more or less 1,5 mm; short interest handle; calyx is in the form of bell with 5 cleft; coronet 5 sheet, rather orbicular, white colour with green ring centered and over and over turns into squeezing; stamen 10 fruits. Variety. Plant height varies, depend on situation of place of growing. Plant as high as 30 cm has born fruit. Ecology and spreading. Grows wild is coast [by] South Chinese and mountain Sumatra and Malaysia at height of 600 m to 2200 m above sea level; also there is in Australian. Likes rather area drought. Conducting. Be tumbulian wild, has not been conducting.
Local Name :
LOCAL NAME. Aron ( Acheh), game-game ( Batak),si gamei-gamei ( Minangkabau), ijar roof, holds high roof, says roof ( Bangka), tip of roof, as of broom ( Biliton), tip of roof, roof shower leaf ( Malay) Type of sailing boat rabab, Type of sailing boat rahab, type of sailing boat raab, tip of raab ( Java), type of sailing boat rahab ( Madura), Roof facade, facade raab ( Bali)., NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA BAECKEA FOLIUM; Type Of Sailing Boat Leaf Rahab.
Curable Disease :
TYPICALLY Hot and aromatic. Analgesic SPECIAL QUALITY, antispasmodic, tonic, and diuretic.
Exploiting :
Special Quality and benefit for therapy:
Hand feet ( swelling).
Takes semi type of sailing boat ounce rahab, crumples up smooth, and braises in semi grape;wine cruct. Rubs dilution of this decoction at kakil bloated arm in a state of Iukewarm temperatures.
Stomachache at child of because wormy
Brimstone rasher equal to acid seed. Semi type of sailing boat teaspoon rahab, black meeting rasher along the length of hand finger book, a small corm encountered key, three comedy meeting irises, one wood teaspoons masoyi, rasher bangle along the length of semi hand finger book, rasher lempuyang fragrant along the length of semi hand finger and five fennel seedses; all the his(its boxed to be smooth, wrapped banana leaf clan is steamed [by] during more or less ten minutes. Dilution which keiuar is drinked [by] the pain. If its(the dilution is only a few secretory, adds as of water spoon.
Fever at pot is clean woman copies
Immediately as of pot is clean copies taking medicine following, made has just and drinked every morning and every evening.
We can prevent pot is clean fever to copy this.
Braises as of fresh young papaya leaf sheet with one spoons kecii fresh acid and sugar rasher jawa in one small glasses of water until its(the water remains as of pari pasu and drinks the dilution after enough chilling.
Despitefully need to use poultice made out of seven leaf sheets Iler, one big teaspoons of type of sailing boat rahab ( burned formerly thus ash) and is rather acids kawak, these all boxed together.
Refresher Drug to fatigue
drinks decoction water of type of sailing boat rabab
Composition :
Essential oils, fenkhol, glycoside, compound triterpinoid, tannin, and baekeol.
Synonym :
Baeckea chinensis Gaertn. Baeckea cochinchinensis Bl.
Familia :
Description :
This Plant is in the form of clump until bush, height until 5 m, ductile branchs. Leaf looks out on, very narrowing lamina like line and having gland, thick 0,8 mm and length 5 mm to 16 mm. Interest is having fold 5 exit from leaf axil, small, diameter more or less 1,5 mm; short interest handle; calyx is in the form of bell with 5 cleft; coronet 5 sheet, rather orbicular, white colour with green ring centered and over and over turns into squeezing; stamen 10 fruits. Variety. Plant height varies, depend on situation of place of growing. Plant as high as 30 cm has born fruit. Ecology and spreading. Grows wild is coast [by] South Chinese and mountain Sumatra and Malaysia at height of 600 m to 2200 m above sea level; also there is in Australian. Likes rather area drought. Conducting. Be tumbulian wild, has not been conducting.
Local Name :
LOCAL NAME. Aron ( Acheh), game-game ( Batak),si gamei-gamei ( Minangkabau), ijar roof, holds high roof, says roof ( Bangka), tip of roof, as of broom ( Biliton), tip of roof, roof shower leaf ( Malay) Type of sailing boat rabab, Type of sailing boat rahab, type of sailing boat raab, tip of raab ( Java), type of sailing boat rahab ( Madura), Roof facade, facade raab ( Bali)., NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA BAECKEA FOLIUM; Type Of Sailing Boat Leaf Rahab.
Curable Disease :
TYPICALLY Hot and aromatic. Analgesic SPECIAL QUALITY, antispasmodic, tonic, and diuretic.
Exploiting :
Special Quality and benefit for therapy:
Hand feet ( swelling).
Takes semi type of sailing boat ounce rahab, crumples up smooth, and braises in semi grape;wine cruct. Rubs dilution of this decoction at kakil bloated arm in a state of Iukewarm temperatures.
Stomachache at child of because wormy
Brimstone rasher equal to acid seed. Semi type of sailing boat teaspoon rahab, black meeting rasher along the length of hand finger book, a small corm encountered key, three comedy meeting irises, one wood teaspoons masoyi, rasher bangle along the length of semi hand finger book, rasher lempuyang fragrant along the length of semi hand finger and five fennel seedses; all the his(its boxed to be smooth, wrapped banana leaf clan is steamed [by] during more or less ten minutes. Dilution which keiuar is drinked [by] the pain. If its(the dilution is only a few secretory, adds as of water spoon.
Fever at pot is clean woman copies
Immediately as of pot is clean copies taking medicine following, made has just and drinked every morning and every evening.
We can prevent pot is clean fever to copy this.
Braises as of fresh young papaya leaf sheet with one spoons kecii fresh acid and sugar rasher jawa in one small glasses of water until its(the water remains as of pari pasu and drinks the dilution after enough chilling.
Despitefully need to use poultice made out of seven leaf sheets Iler, one big teaspoons of type of sailing boat rahab ( burned formerly thus ash) and is rather acids kawak, these all boxed together.
Refresher Drug to fatigue
drinks decoction water of type of sailing boat rabab
Composition :
Essential oils, fenkhol, glycoside, compound triterpinoid, tannin, and baekeol.
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