( Sesbania sesban Merr.)
Synonym :
= Saegyptiaca, Mass media.
Familia :
Description :
Jayanti many found in Java, ordinary in planting in lawn, galengan rice field or in plantation as shade plant, windbreak or green manure. This crop can grow at detectable and bad soil;land;ground from lowland until around 800 m dpi. small Clump or tree, height 2-6 m, many branching, growing of quickly. Leaf in the form of fin compound leaf, with 7-25 leaflet tides. Leaflet is in the form of line until length, short handle, tip of integer, plane edge. Interest in bunch, its(the colour yellows. Its(the fruit pod, grows hangs, be in the form of line. Its(the leaf can be cooked and eaten as vegetable. Besides, its(the leaf is also green manure applicable to and applied as livestock food. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Jayanti ( Sunda), janti, giyanti, kelor wana ( Java);
Synonym :
= Saegyptiaca, Mass media.
Familia :
Description :
Jayanti many found in Java, ordinary in planting in lawn, galengan rice field or in plantation as shade plant, windbreak or green manure. This crop can grow at detectable and bad soil;land;ground from lowland until around 800 m dpi. small Clump or tree, height 2-6 m, many branching, growing of quickly. Leaf in the form of fin compound leaf, with 7-25 leaflet tides. Leaflet is in the form of line until length, short handle, tip of integer, plane edge. Interest in bunch, its(the colour yellows. Its(the fruit pod, grows hangs, be in the form of line. Its(the leaf can be cooked and eaten as vegetable. Besides, its(the leaf is also green manure applicable to and applied as livestock food. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Jayanti ( Sunda), janti, giyanti, kelor wana ( Java);
Curable Disease :
Lung TERBIUM ( Tuberculosa), Matter urine, lnfeksi kidney, fever;
Exploiting :
PART USED: Leaf, root, skin, seed, and oil,
1. Fever.
2. Wormy.
3. Lung TERBIUM ( Tuberculosa).
4. Chafes eye the mucous membrane.
5. infection of Kidney.
1. Difficult to sweat.
2. Urine is less fluent.
3. Matter urine.
1. Head of confused.
2. Coughs.
3. Miscarriage,
4. Comes not regular menstruation.
1. Matter urine.
2. Syphilis.
1. Ulcer, scabies, scabies.
2. Trachoma.
To drink: 1/4-1 grasping leaf.
External usage: Leaf milled to be smooth, for local usage.
1. Lung TERBIUM:
Leaf jayanti 1/4 grasps, washed out then is boxed until smooth. Adds 1/2 ripe water glasses and 1 honey tablespoon. Scrambled until flattening, then is extorted and filtered, drinks.
Does 3 times one day.
2. Matter urine:
1 root finger jayanti, 6 leaf sheet sirih, 6 fruit of kemukus, black dill and each fennel 3/4 teaspoons, 3/4 fingers pulosari, 3 sugar finger enau, cleaned and cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises with 4 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 glasses. After chilling filtered, drinks. One day 3 x 3/4 glasses.
3. lnfection kidney:
Leaf jayanti counted 1 grasped, washed out then rinses with matured water. Enters the leaf of kedalam 3/4 water glasses. Crumples up its(the leaf until its(the foamy water. Filters, drinks its(the water.
Does every day, until its(the urine becomes clear and is fluent
4. Fever:
Leaf sufficiently is washed out then diremas-remas with fennel.
dubs tobody, which will give cold taste at fever patient.
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