( Cassia siamea Lamk,)
Synonym :
Cassia fluoride Valh.
Familia :
Caesalpiniceae ( Leguminosae).
Description :
Annual herb crop, Round bar, holey, hairless, branchs, long more or less 3 metre, green colour. Unique leaf, having interlude, form of Iancet, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, hiatus jetty, long 3-15 cm, wide 1-9 cm, fin bone, green colour. Unique interest, form of trumpet, in leaf axil, long 3-5 cm, diameter more or less 5 cm, purple. Fruit of box, ovoid, hairless, diameter more or less 1 cm, having colour young fruit is pale green after stripper is having colour cacao.
Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA: Cassiae siameae Folium; Leaf Johar.
Synonym :
Cassia fluoride Valh.
Familia :
Caesalpiniceae ( Leguminosae).
Description :
Annual herb crop, Round bar, holey, hairless, branchs, long more or less 3 metre, green colour. Unique leaf, having interlude, form of Iancet, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, hiatus jetty, long 3-15 cm, wide 1-9 cm, fin bone, green colour. Unique interest, form of trumpet, in leaf axil, long 3-5 cm, diameter more or less 5 cm, purple. Fruit of box, ovoid, hairless, diameter more or less 1 cm, having colour young fruit is pale green after stripper is having colour cacao.
Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA: Cassiae siameae Folium; Leaf Johar.
Curable Disease :
Special Quality Antipiretik. RESEARCH Salim Hanggara Purno, 1991. Faculty of pharmacy, UGM. Counsellor: Drs. Wahyono, SU. Apt. and Drs. Imono Argo Donatus, SU. Apt. Has done research of effect hipoglikemik decoction water of leaf Johar, at white mouse of male, compared to tolbutamid. From result of the research, the decoction water tantalum of leaf of Johar dose 2,5, 5,0, and 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK ( Area wide below(under curve) blood glucose rate to negativity control, at group of normal mouse given glucose burden ( DMTTI - UTGO = Diabetes mellitus doesn't depend on insulin. Oral air mechanism glucose tolerance test). At group of normal mouse of which is not is given [by] glucose burden ( DMTTI), decoction water of leaf Johar dose 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK blood glucose rate equal to 1506% to negativity control. C. Yudhi Setyandarta, 1993. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA UI. Has done research of influence hepatoprotektif leaf infusion Johar at white mouse given carbon tetrachloride. From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence hepatoprotektif. Leaf Johar contains compound which can pursue improvement of activity GPT-PLASMA and damage of liver network as result of CC14 and there is relation between dose and effect. Aan Risma Uli N., 1994. Majors Farrnasi, FMIPA UI. Has done research of antimicrobial influence from leaf infusion Johar to some bacteriums and Jamur cause of skin disease.
From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence antibakteri to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteusvulgaris, but doesn't show antifungal activity to Candida albicans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.
Exploiting :
Part Applied
Young leaf.
1. Fever.
2. Diabetes.
3. Malaria.
4. Tonic.
5. Hurt ( external drug) .
Diabetes and Malaria
Leaf Johar fresh 1 grasps
Water 220 ml
Way of making:
Made infusion.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 day once 200 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day.
Hereinafter dose is lessened, 1 times one day 100 ml.
For susceptible, usage precautions of this simplisia. Simplisia contains toxic agents ( alkaloid).
Composition :
Leaf: Barakol, alkaloid, flavoniod, steroida antrakinon, and tannin. Root skin: Lupeol, betalin, and diantrakinon. Seed: Fixed oil and sitosterin.
Special Quality Antipiretik. RESEARCH Salim Hanggara Purno, 1991. Faculty of pharmacy, UGM. Counsellor: Drs. Wahyono, SU. Apt. and Drs. Imono Argo Donatus, SU. Apt. Has done research of effect hipoglikemik decoction water of leaf Johar, at white mouse of male, compared to tolbutamid. From result of the research, the decoction water tantalum of leaf of Johar dose 2,5, 5,0, and 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK ( Area wide below(under curve) blood glucose rate to negativity control, at group of normal mouse given glucose burden ( DMTTI - UTGO = Diabetes mellitus doesn't depend on insulin. Oral air mechanism glucose tolerance test). At group of normal mouse of which is not is given [by] glucose burden ( DMTTI), decoction water of leaf Johar dose 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK blood glucose rate equal to 1506% to negativity control. C. Yudhi Setyandarta, 1993. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA UI. Has done research of influence hepatoprotektif leaf infusion Johar at white mouse given carbon tetrachloride. From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence hepatoprotektif. Leaf Johar contains compound which can pursue improvement of activity GPT-PLASMA and damage of liver network as result of CC14 and there is relation between dose and effect. Aan Risma Uli N., 1994. Majors Farrnasi, FMIPA UI. Has done research of antimicrobial influence from leaf infusion Johar to some bacteriums and Jamur cause of skin disease.
From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence antibakteri to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteusvulgaris, but doesn't show antifungal activity to Candida albicans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.
Exploiting :
Part Applied
Young leaf.
1. Fever.
2. Diabetes.
3. Malaria.
4. Tonic.
5. Hurt ( external drug) .
Diabetes and Malaria
Leaf Johar fresh 1 grasps
Water 220 ml
Way of making:
Made infusion.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 day once 200 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day.
Hereinafter dose is lessened, 1 times one day 100 ml.
For susceptible, usage precautions of this simplisia. Simplisia contains toxic agents ( alkaloid).
Composition :
Leaf: Barakol, alkaloid, flavoniod, steroida antrakinon, and tannin. Root skin: Lupeol, betalin, and diantrakinon. Seed: Fixed oil and sitosterin.
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