( Capsicum frutescens L.)
Synonym :
C. , fastigiatum BL, C. a minimum of Roxb.
Familia :
Description :
Conducting crop, sometime is planted in lawn as vegetable crop or grows wild in non irigated dry field and wasteland unemployed. This plant comes from tropic America, likes drought area, and found at height of 0,5-1250 m is sea level. Clump one year, ramification many, height 50-100 cm. Its(the bar my book or angular top. Unique leaf, handle, situation of interval. Ovoid leaf blade, back part is becoming sharp, jetty narrows, plane edge, fin bone, long 5-9,5 cm, wide 1,5-5,5 cm, having colour green. Exit interest from leaf axil, crown form of star, single interest or its(the 2-3 situation interests is nearby, having colour white, white of greenness, sometime purple. Its(the fruit bacca, straightening, globular of egg, bent or diametrical, back part is becoming sharp, long 1-3 cm, wide 2,5-12 mm, length handle, and the taste is hot. Bottle green young fruit, white of greenness, or white, rose colored masak fruit of light. Its(the seed many, integer pipih, having diameter 2-2,5 mm, rust colored of dirty. Cayenne consisted of three varieties, that is cengek leutik which its(the fruit is small, having colour green, and upstands at its(the handle; cengek sheep ( cengek bodas) which its(the fruit bigger than cengek leutik, white having colour young fruit, after stripper becomes jingga; and ceplik which its(the fruit is big, whilst young having colour green and after stripper becomes squeezing. Its(the fruit applied as vegetable, ripe flavour, piccalilli, and pickle. Young leaf can be steamed for fresh vegetable.
Cayenne can be multiplied with seed.
Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: leudeuaarum, l. pentek ( Gayo), situdu sky, lacina sipane ( Simelungmz), peppercorn limi ( Nias), l. mutia ( Malay). Java: chili, c. cengek ( SUNDA), paprika jempling, l. jemprit, l. rawit, l. gambir, l. devil, l. cempling ( Java), cabhi letek, c. taena manok ( Madc,rra). Nusa Tenggara: tabia krinyi ( Bali), kurus(Alor). Sulawesi: kaluya ship ( bent.), mareta dodi ( Mongond.), malita is titanium ( Gorontalo), m. in ( Buol), peppercorn masiwu ( Baree), l. marica, l. capa, laso meyong ( Mak),1. meyong, farm burica, l. marica ( Bug.), smooth rica, r. paddy ( Manado). My shame: Abrisan grave ( Horrible), karatupa batawe ( Elpaputi), katupu walata ( Waraka), araputa patawe ( Atamano), kalapita batawi ( Amahai), karatuba manesane ( Nuaulu), karatupa. batawi ( Sepcc), maricang kekupe ( Weda), rica gufu ( Ternate). Irian: metrek wakfoh ( Sarmi), basen soil;land;ground ( Barik). NAME OF Lanthanum STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS jiao ( C), cayenne peper ( B), piment de cayenne ( P), piment enrage, guineapfeffer ( J), pasites, sili ( Tag.), cayenne, chilli ( I). NAME OF SIMPLISIA CAPSICI frutescentis Fructus ( fruit of chili).
Synonym :
C. , fastigiatum BL, C. a minimum of Roxb.
Familia :
Description :
Conducting crop, sometime is planted in lawn as vegetable crop or grows wild in non irigated dry field and wasteland unemployed. This plant comes from tropic America, likes drought area, and found at height of 0,5-1250 m is sea level. Clump one year, ramification many, height 50-100 cm. Its(the bar my book or angular top. Unique leaf, handle, situation of interval. Ovoid leaf blade, back part is becoming sharp, jetty narrows, plane edge, fin bone, long 5-9,5 cm, wide 1,5-5,5 cm, having colour green. Exit interest from leaf axil, crown form of star, single interest or its(the 2-3 situation interests is nearby, having colour white, white of greenness, sometime purple. Its(the fruit bacca, straightening, globular of egg, bent or diametrical, back part is becoming sharp, long 1-3 cm, wide 2,5-12 mm, length handle, and the taste is hot. Bottle green young fruit, white of greenness, or white, rose colored masak fruit of light. Its(the seed many, integer pipih, having diameter 2-2,5 mm, rust colored of dirty. Cayenne consisted of three varieties, that is cengek leutik which its(the fruit is small, having colour green, and upstands at its(the handle; cengek sheep ( cengek bodas) which its(the fruit bigger than cengek leutik, white having colour young fruit, after stripper becomes jingga; and ceplik which its(the fruit is big, whilst young having colour green and after stripper becomes squeezing. Its(the fruit applied as vegetable, ripe flavour, piccalilli, and pickle. Young leaf can be steamed for fresh vegetable.
Cayenne can be multiplied with seed.
Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: leudeuaarum, l. pentek ( Gayo), situdu sky, lacina sipane ( Simelungmz), peppercorn limi ( Nias), l. mutia ( Malay). Java: chili, c. cengek ( SUNDA), paprika jempling, l. jemprit, l. rawit, l. gambir, l. devil, l. cempling ( Java), cabhi letek, c. taena manok ( Madc,rra). Nusa Tenggara: tabia krinyi ( Bali), kurus(Alor). Sulawesi: kaluya ship ( bent.), mareta dodi ( Mongond.), malita is titanium ( Gorontalo), m. in ( Buol), peppercorn masiwu ( Baree), l. marica, l. capa, laso meyong ( Mak),1. meyong, farm burica, l. marica ( Bug.), smooth rica, r. paddy ( Manado). My shame: Abrisan grave ( Horrible), karatupa batawe ( Elpaputi), katupu walata ( Waraka), araputa patawe ( Atamano), kalapita batawi ( Amahai), karatuba manesane ( Nuaulu), karatupa. batawi ( Sepcc), maricang kekupe ( Weda), rica gufu ( Ternate). Irian: metrek wakfoh ( Sarmi), basen soil;land;ground ( Barik). NAME OF Lanthanum STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS jiao ( C), cayenne peper ( B), piment de cayenne ( P), piment enrage, guineapfeffer ( J), pasites, sili ( Tag.), cayenne, chilli ( I). NAME OF SIMPLISIA CAPSICI frutescentis Fructus ( fruit of chili).
Curable Disease :
Cayenne the taste is hot, in character temperature, heart meridian admission and pancreas. This plant having special quality tonic, strong stimulan for heart and blood stream, antirheumatic, breaks blood clot ( anticoagulant), increases appetite ( stomakik), skin incentive ( if it is rubbed to skin will generate temperature taste. So, applied as liniment mixture), launchs kentut ( carminative), releases sweat ( diaforetik), salivats, and launchs urine ( diuretic). Extract fruit of cayenne has resistivity to Candida albicans growth. Extract resistivity cabal rawit 1 equivalent mg/ml with 6,20 mcg/ml nystatin in formamid ( Tyas Ekowati Prasetyoningsih, FF UNAIR, 1987).
Exploiting :
All part of plant serve the purpose of drug crop, like fruit, root, leaf, and bar.
Cabal rawit applied for :
adds appetite, normal returned weakening extremity, coughs expectorating, eases nose taste to stuff up at sinusitis, migrain.
For drug drinked, fruit of cayenne is applied as according to requirement. In this case cayenne can be braised or made [by] powder and pill.
For external usage, braises fruit of cayenne sufficiently, then evaporated it used temperature to part of ill body or cayenne grind until smooth, then paving to part of ill body, like rheumatism, digitiform felt pain in bone because chilled ( frosbite). Leaf grind paving to place of pain applied to cure stomachache and abscess.
Extremity weakens ( like paralysis)
Provides 2 cayenne root cusp, 15 crosscut chicken foot/feet tides be rather above knees, 60 g peanut, and 6 item hung cao.
Cleans the material and cuts to pieces the need of his(its. Adds water and same pageant many until the material immerse entirely ( about 1 cm above his(its). Hereinafter, ingredient team the. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked, one day twice, each as of pari pasu from ingredient.
Cleans fresh young leaf sufficiently, then milled until smooth. Adds
a few lime putties, then swirled until flattening. dubs the ingredient at part of ill stomach.
Grind 10 fruit of cayenne until smooth. Adds 1/2 chalk teaspoons sirih and juice water of a lime, then swirled until flattening.
dubs the ingredient at part of ill body.
Seed exhaust some fruit of fresh cayennes, ago milled until smooth, then dubs to ill place.
Alimentary canal disease patient, red lane pain, and ill eye is suggested not to consume cayenne.
Hot taste in tongue generates excitement to brain to release endorphin ( opiate endogen) what can eliminate ill taste and
generates healthier feeling.
Result of newest research, cayenne can lessen tendency the happening of agglutination of blood ( thrombosis), reduces cholesterol rate by the way of lessening produce of cholesterol and triglyceride in liver.
At reproduction system, hot cayenne character can lessen tense taste and pain as result of circulation of ugly blood. Besides, with antioxidant matter content that is enough is height ( like ascorbic acid and carotene beta), cayenne applicable to overcome infertility ( infertility), aphrodisiac, and slows down process ageing.
Composition :
Its(the fruit contains capsaicin, capsanthin, carotenoid, volatile alkaloid, resin, volatile oil, vitamin ( A and C). Capsaicin gives hot taste at chilli, having special quality to launch blood stream and pematirasa skin. Seed contains solanine, solamidine, solamargine, solasodine, solasomine, and saponin steroid ( kapsisidin). Kapsisidin is having special quality as antibiotic.
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