( Merremia mammosa ( Lour.) Hallf.)
Synonym :
= Batatta mammosa, Rumph. = Convoivuius mammosa, Hall. = lpomoea mammosa, Chois.
Familia :
Description :
Grows wild in forest, sometime in planting in yard near by fence as drug crop or because its(the edible corm. Grows carefully in tropic area from lowland until height of 250 m dpi. This crop possibly delivered from Philippine, be creepers or belite which length 3-6 m, its(the bar is small if held to be rather slippery and its(the colour is rather dark. Unique leaf, length handle, be in the form of heart, plane edge, back part is becoming sharp, long 5-12 cm, wide 4-15 cm, its(the colour stripper green. Inflorescence is in the form of fork umbrella gathers 1-4 interests, its form like bell is having colour white, long 7-8 cm, with 4 piece of calyx. Corm gathers subterranean, alike parsnip jalar. If(when its(the soil is dry and is not suffused water and friable, wt. can reach 5 kg or more. Its(the corm skin colour amber, its(the skin rubbery thick of white colour, if its(the colour drought becomes chocolate. Propagation with bar cutting or plants its(the corm.
Local Name :
Blanar, widara upas ( Java), hailale ( Ambon).;
Curable Disease :
Fever, coughs, raucous, Diphtheria, Chafes gullet, chafes lung,; Chafes intestine infection, Typhus, constipation, Blood puking, Cancer; Diabetes, Poisoned, snakebite, leprosy, syphilis ( Luns).;
Exploiting :
Fever, coughs, raucous. Diphtheria, Chafes gullet, chafes lung, chafes intestine infection. - Typhus,constipation, defecation of blood and mucus. - Blood puking. Diabetes ( Deutschmark), Stone contains urine, Food poisoning, snakebite. - Cancer, leprosy, syphilis ( Lues).
Applied for memperlancar its(the exit mother milk water ( ASI), hurt drug cut, singe, swelling, skin disease, snakebite.
To drink: 10-100 g fresh corm grated or braises
External usage: Corm sliced to be thin or grated to to become mush, for dubt to which is ill like hurt, swellings snakebite etcetera.
1. Chafes intestine infection :
1/4 corm fingers is washed out then is grated and crumpled up with 1 sugar water tablespoon, then is extorted and filtered [by Ialu is drinked. One day 2 times.
2. Blood puking, typhus:
Fresh corm sufficiently is washed out then grated, extorts with cloth rasher until collected counted 1 glass small. Drinks.
3. defecation of Blood and mucus :
50 g corm is cleaned then cut to pieces, adds sugar jawa sufficiently, godok with 2 glass clean water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks a few.
4. Diphtheria :
Fresh corm sufficiently, cleaned then is grated, extorts with cloth rasher until collected 1 small glass. Used for nut in red lane during 23 minutes, then is swallowed.
5. Raucous, tuberculosis:
Fresh corm equal to 1 hand finger is washed out, cut is thin then are munched. Does 3-4 times in one day.
6. Coughed :
100 g fresh corm is cleaned then is grated, adds sugar syrup stone sufficiently, swirled until flattening then is extorted and filtered, drinks.
7. Whooping:
1/2 fresh corm fingers is cleaned then is grated, crumpled up with 2 ripe water tablespoon and 1 honey tablespoon, extorts and filters, drinks. does 2 times one day. 8. Diabetes: 100 g fresh corm is cleaned [by] cleanness Ialu is grated, extorts with cloth rasher. Drinks every morning, 1/2 hour(clock before eating.
9. Food poisoning: Fresh corm sufficiently is washed out Ialu is grated, extorts with cloth rasher until collected 1/2 glasses. Drinks.
10. Cancer, leprosy ( Morbqs Hanson):
3/4 fresh corm fingers is cleaned then grated, adds 4 matured water tablespoon and 2 honey tablespoon. Swirled flattens, then is extorted with cloth rasher, divided for 3 times drinks [used up/finished] in one day.
11. Bodily injury in skin :
Fresh corm is cleaned then is sliced thin, puts down above hurt.
12. Launchs expenditure ASI: Fresh corm is washed out then is grated, dabs around [by] bosom.
13. Singe:
Fresh corm is washed out then is grated, spread upper [by] singe, when needed is wraped.
14. Snakebite:
Fresh corm is cleaned then is grated until becoming dough like mush. Pastes up to bite hurt, then is wraped.
15. Syphilis ( lues):
1 fresh corm finger is washed out then is grated, adds 2 ripe water tablespoon and 1 pure honey tablespoon, extorts and filters, drinks. Does 3 times one day.
16. stone urine:
10 g corm bidara upas, 10 g catkin leaf, 15 g despicable leaf of beling, cleaned then corm cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises with 1 water litre, until remaining 150 cc. After cool is filtered then is drinked. One day 3 x 50 cc.
Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: Anti chafes, eliminates pain ( analgetik), eliminates swelling, laxative ( laxative), neutralizes poison ( antidote), coolant. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Resin, resin, extract, bitter matter. Fresh rubber contained matter oxydase.
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