( Calotropis gigantea [ Willd.] Dryandex WTAit.)
Synonym :
C. gigantea RBr., Asclepias gigantea Willd.
Familia :
Description :
Biduri many found in length dry season area, like dry grassland, low mount bevels, and sandy coast. Straightening bush, height 0,5-3 m. Round bar, thick, general young stick of thick is having colour white. Unique leaf, short handle, situation looks out on. Globular leaf blade of egg or length integer, tip of dull, basal is in the form of heart, plane edge, fin bone, length 8-30 cm, wide 4-15 cm, having colour young green. Surface to general young leaf blade of meeting is having colour white ( by degrees disappears), while surface under remain to general of thick is having colour white. Compound interest in child of umbrella, in tip or leaf axil. General interest handle of meeting, corolla is in the form of ship drive, having colour lila, sometime white. Its(the fruit follicle, globular of egg or length integer, jetty fruit of in the form of bearing, long 9-10 cm, having colour green. Its(the seed is small, oblong, pipih, having colour cacao, short general and thick, umbai length silk similar hair. If one part of the plant is hurted, will release rubber is having colour white, dilute, the taste is bitter and astringent, in process of time felt beloved, its(the aroma is hardly stings, and poisonous. Bar skin biduri contains absorbing agent which applicable to make fish-net. Biduri can be multiplied with seed
Local Name :
LOCAL NAME: Sumatra: rubik, biduri, lembega, rembega, rumbigo. Java: babakoan, badori, biduri, widuri, saduri, sidoguri, bidhuri, burigha. Bali: Manori, maduri. Nusa Tenggara: muduri, rembiga, kore, krokoh, kolonsusu, modo kapauk, modo kampauk. Sulawesi: rambega. Name of strangers(foreigners: Giant milk weed, mudar plant ( I), ships ( Tag.), oscherstrauch. Name of simplisia : Calotropidis Cortex Radicis ( root skin biduri).
Curable Disease :
NATURE AND SPECIAL QUALITY: Root skin biduri is having special quality cholagogue, peluruh sweat ( diaforetik), puking incentive ( emetic), races digestion enzyme job(activity ( alternative), and peluruh urine ( diuretic). Bark biduri is having special quality emetic, interest is having special quality tonic, and adds appetite ( stomakik). Leaf is having special quality rubifasien and eliminates itching. Its(the rubber is poisonous and can cause puking. But, having special quality as laxative.
Exploiting :
Part of plant applied is root skin, leaf, rubber, and interest.
Root skin applied for therapy : fever, stomach felt full, foot/feet stiff and weakens, poisonous snakebite, chronic ulcer, and skin disease other. Leaf applied for therapy : scabies, hurt, ulcer, sprue, itchy at chicken pox ( varicella), measles ( measles), fever, and coughs. Interest applied for therapy: chafes, stomach ( gastritis), coughs, asphyxia, influenza, secondary syphilis, matter urine ( gonorrhoea), and leprosy ( leprosy). Rubber applied for therapy: abscess, eczema, magnification of lymph gland, hurt at syphilis, hurt in foot/feet, toothache, and abstracts thorn jabing skin.
For drug drinked, braises 0,1-0,65 g root skin, then is drinked.
For external usage, shrivels fresh leaf sufficiently, then added lime putty and grind until smooth. Hereinafter, smears ingredient to part of body hit by scabies disease. For stomachache, shrivels fresh leaf above fire, then dabbed oil in part of its(the surface, applied to close stomach. For earache, box young leaf until smooth, then extorted. Its(the juice water dripped at ear which pain. For hurt or ulcer, dry leaf grind until smooth, then spreads powder at wounded part or ulcer.
Gastritis USAGE
Cleans 1/3 grasping interest biduri, then braised in three water glasses until remains about 2 1/4 glasses. After chilling, filters and adds honey sufficiently. Hereinafter, ingredient slap to be drinked. For therapy, drinks this ingredient 3/4 glasses, one day thrice.
Leprosy, secondary syphilis, gonorrhoea
Braises 0,1 g dried flower in three water glasses until remaining to become one glasses. After chilling filters and its(the filter water is drinked. Nipped
poisonous snake
Cleans root equal to digitiform 1 until cleanness, then munched and its(the water is swallowed, while its(the dregs applied to close hurt. Stiff foot/feet and weakens Cleans root sufficiently until cleanness, then boxed smooth. Adds flour rice ( same many) and scrambled until flattening. Ingredient rubbing at part ill foot/feet.
Drips fruit rubber above abscess membandel. Hurt at syphilis and
Cleans bodily injury at syphilis and foot/feet, then dabbed rubber biduri at part of the hurt.
Jabed smooth thorn
Drips rubber biduri at part of body jabed by thorn. In direct, rubber will release thorn in skin with x'self his(its.
Composition :
Root contains saponin, sapogenin, kalotropin, kalotoksin, uskarin, kalaktin, gigantin, and harsa. Leaf contains saponin, flavonoida, polifenol, tannin, and calcium oxalate. Bar contains tannin, saponin, and calcium oxalate. Rubber poisonous heart looking like digitalis.
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